SWISH-E Keyword Search Applet |
This package provides an offline keyword search capability in a Java applet. The applet reads an index file produced
by the SWISH-E index engine into the web browser's memory and
allows you to perform one or more keyword searches using that index. The search result is HTML formatted and displayed
using JavaScript in a seperate result frame.
If you need a keyword search on a CDROM or similar medium without having access to a web server, i.e. without capability
to execute a CGI script, then this package might be right for you.
Demonstration |
See the applet in action on its javadoc.
Download |
Applet source code (swishej.zip about 184 kByte).
JAR archive (swishej.jar about 34 kByte).
View the change log.
How to use the applet |
- Setup a frameset for the keyword search, e.g.
<frameset rows="50,*">
<frame src="srchappl.htm" name="searchapplet"
scrolling=no border=0
noresize frameborder=0 framespacing=0
marginwidth=0 marginheight=2>
<frame src="srchhelp.htm" name="results"
frameborder=1 border=1
framespacing=0 marginwidth=4 marginheight=4>
Sorry, this browser does not support frames.
No search capability provided.
- Setup the applet frame (named searchapplet in the example above), e.g.
<applet code="swishej.SearchApplet" archive="swishej.jar"
width=540 height=38 MAYSCRIPT align=top hspace=0 vspace=0
alt="Please enable Java and JavaScript in your browser.">
<param name=indexfile value=index.swish-e>
<param name=resultframe value=results>
<param name=helpfile value=srchhelp.htm>
SWISH-E Keyword Search Applet.
Use the charmap applet parameter if your indexed data is not encoded in ISO-8859-1 character set.
- Make the SWISH-E index file and specify it as applet parameter indexfile. See my example SWISH-E configuration file.
- Setup the help document as shown in the helpfile applet parameter.
- Place the frameset, the applet and help documents, the GIFs from the ZIP archive, and the applet code (swishej.jar)
in the root of your browsable and searchable area.
- Of course, add a reference to the frameset to the toplevel document of the browsable area in order to enter
the keyword search.
Applet parameters |
- resultframe
- String specifying the frame name for displaying the search result.
- indexfile
- URL specifying the index file to be loaded. The usual Java security rules apply.
- helpfile
- URL specifying the help file to be displayed when the Help button is pressed. That URL is displayed in the
result frame.
- kwlabel
- String specifying the keyword entry label. If not specified the default is "Keywords:". If specified
as empty string, no label is drawn.
- searchbutton
- String specifying the search button label. If not specified the default is "Search". If specified
as empty string, no search button is drawn.
- wordsbutton
- String specifying the words button label. If not specified the default is "All Words". If specified
as empty string, no words button is drawn.
- clearbutton
- String specifying the clear button label. If not specified the default is "Clear". If specified as
empty string, no clear button is drawn.
- helpbutton
- String specifying the help button label. If not specified the default is "Help". If specified as
empty string, no help button is drawn.
- charmap
- String representing 8 bit to unicode mapping. If not specified the default is a 1:1 mapping for ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1).
Example for ISO-8859-2:
<param name=charmap value="
Requirements |
- A Java and JavaScript enabled web browser. I tested the applet with Netscape's Communicator 4.5 and 4.61 on
Linux and Windows NT and with M$ Internet Explorer 4.0 on Windows NT.
- JDK 1.1 if you intend to hack the java sources. Setup your CLASSPATH
to Netscape's java40.jar in order to resolve the JavaScript package dependency when compiling.
- The SWISH-E 1.3.2 sources to produce index
files. You must compile it without #define SUPPORT_DOC_PROPERTIES (see limitations below).
Limitations |
- Document properties as implemented in SWISH-E 1.3.2 are not supported since their representation in the index
files is unfortunately not platform independent (byte order issues).
- It is no good idea to have a very large index file (e.g. 20 MB) since the index file is kept in-core. This
requires careful setup of the swish-e configuration in order to get a useful but reasonable small (say at
most 1-2 MB) index file. The applet tries its best not to eat up memory by gzip'ing the index file in chunks of
64 kB and working only one one gunzip'ed chunk at any one time.
Problems |
- In Netscape's Communicator 4.5 (Linux) the applet is not able to get the JavaScript window object to its Communicator
container window when it is restarted from a HTML reference from the result frame. To exercise this problem, use
the keyword "help", then activate the hit for the document "SWISH-E Based Keyword Search Applet",
lastly activate the "in action" link. M$ Internet Explorer 4.0 definitely does not have this problem.
- If you see "JavaScript Error; can't continue" in the applet's area using Netscape, then check the
Communicator version. According to Netscape, version 4.6 has a broken LiveConnect (Java-JavaScript interface) and
you should update to Communicator 4.61.
Copy.*t |
Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Christian Werner
This program and library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
(Library) General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU (Library) General Public
License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite
330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.